Have you ever needed to find answers about a local service or resource and not known where or how to find them? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Many people have found themselves in that same predicament. Unfortunately, what you don't know can hurt you. For that reason, Proverbs 4:7 advises people to "get understanding." Basically, that's the inspiration for this forum. The Birmingham Community Hub has been created to help people find legitimate answers in a busy, fast-paced world. In a world where people are often bombarded with excess, this hub will hopefully allow it's users to trim the fat frequently associated with surfing the net and get right to the heart of matters with little distraction about fashion, gossip, or entertainment. Prayerfully, this will be an interactive forum where users can locate and exchange info in a faith-filled inspirational environment.

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Birmingham Community Hub



Scriptural Acronym for WORK

Work Together In Progress Clip Art
Free clipart from clker.com

 "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7

 On the job, wisdom is supreme. We need wisdom to help us stay abreast of business practices and to effectively interact with our coworkers, bosses, clients, and contacts.

"Obey those in authority." Titus 3:1

God wants us to show respect for authority by observing company policies and being ethical.

"Rejoice in the Lord always." Philippians 4:4

God is the one who opens doors for us and gives us opportunity. Although God wants us to be diligent on our earthly jobs, we can’t afford to put any thing above him, and that includes our careers.

"Keep thy tongue from evil." Psalm 34:13

Working with others can be difficult. Sometimes, personalities and ideas clash, and there’s a temptation to backbite or gossip. However, God wants us to refrain from such activities.

1 comment:

  1. They teach kids this in Sunday school. It's good for adults too. Sometimes it's those simple lessons that tend to stick.
